
BCTMB Massage BadgeAlthough a single massage will be enjoyable, the effects of massage are cumulative and a course of massage treatments will bring the most benefits. Regular massage can have the effect of strengthening and toning the entire body, and help to prevent unnecessary strains and injuries that might otherwise occur due to excess tension and any resulting structural weaknesses.

Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It’s increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

Get the pulling motions and inversions missing in mat-based classes.  A yoga practice or exercise routine that integrates The Yoga Trapeze, even if just once or twice per week, includes pushing, pulling, holding, twists, backbends, forward bends, hip opening and so much more. You can work your shoulders, calm your nerves, and leave class floating on air.  We love all styles of yoga, but YOGABODY students tend to be results-oriented.

For students with back pain, poor flexibility, weak core muscles, and little to no grip strength (all very common issues), the Yoga Trapeze offers a way for them to experience remarkable transformation. Inversions have never been more popular, but most students can’t perform even a simple headstand, so they skip these poses and miss both the health benefits as well as the fun of going upside down.  All levels are welcome.

Flexibility can be worked on at any age.

This is a mat-based class using timed passive holds and breathing techniques to achieve flexibility and mobility goals.

Bring a strap and blocks to provide proper support in these poses. You do NOT need to be an established yogi to benefit. If you are sitting for long periods whether it be for travel or work, if you know you have limited hip or low back range of motion, if you want to sit deeper in your squat or want less aches and pains then this class is for you.

Emmy has been a World Instructor Training Schools W.I.T.S. personal trainer since 2004, a Board certified massage therapist since 2005, and a reflexologist since 2006.

She has trainings and actively practices modalities including deep tissue, Swedish, trigger point, prenatal, hot stone, Massage Envy’s Total Body Stretch, kinesiology taping, and percussion using Hyperice’s Hypervolt for rapid tension relief.

In 2019 she completed her certification to teach YOGABODY’s yoga trapeze and a year later gravity yoga to further promote health, strength, balance, flexibility, and inversion. 

WITS Certified 2022